I’m happy to say that this year‘s Kansas Disability “Virtual” Caucus, went very well and I received many positive feedback’s from those who attended. The one question that I was always asked, what is the Kansas Disability Caucus? What does it do?
The Caucus is an event that is held in Topeka Kansas, every two years. We on the Board of director, organizes and puts on the Caucus, to improve the conditions and lives, of all people with disabilities.
The mission and purpose of the Caucus is to bring people with disabilities, together from all across Kansas, in order to network, learn and most importantly “caucus” or come up with a unified plan, list and recommendations.
The data info, are compiled by region (hence the 3 groups, which you may know, usually meet in person). The summary document that comes from the groups caucusing is distributed to advocates, legislators, state agencies, etc. when it is completed.
We provide information from the mouths and experiences of Kansans with disabilities, and forward it to those who can put it into action.
I do hope that this better explains what the Kansas Disability Caucus is and how important it is to participate and help us by adding at your voice in making the needed changes for Kansans, Who are wanting a better quality of life, independence and equality.